Contact an Experienced Automobile Accident Lawyer in South Florida

Personal Injury Lawyer South Florida

Experienced Automobile Accident Lawyer in South Florida Will Fight for You

Sadly, on nearly a daily basis, we hear about automobile accidents, sometimes fatal, on our roadways. If you or someone you know is a victim of a car accident, you’re going to need a lawyer. When looking for an experienced automobile accident lawyer in South Florida, call Lieberman Injury Law.

Lieberman Injury Law is Among the Best Automobile Accident Lawyers in South Florida

Our streets are dangerous. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, the number of car accidents in South Florida continues to rise. Automobile accidents can be devastating and are also a leading cause of death in our state. If you’re a victim, call us. Someone is responsible and will have to face the consequences. Some of the most common car accident injuries include:

  • Burns, cuts, lacerations
  • Head injuries
  • Neck and spinal injuries
  • Back Injuries
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Rib injuries
  • Internal trauma/bleeding

Your insurance company will be in a hurry to settle the claim. Don’t fall for it. Instead, we’ll pursue the insurance claim. Call us so our top-notch and compassionate team at Lieberman Injury Law can hold accountable the individual responsible and pursue a fair compensation.

There are many causes of accidents, including driving under the influence, bad weather, speed, distracted driving, falling asleep behind the wheel, driving while medicated – just to name a few. But no matter the cause, we will fight for you – the victim. Consult with one of our personal injury attorneys to understand your rights.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident and you need a trusted automobile accident lawyer in South Florida, call Lieberman Injury Law at (954) 596-9944. Make an appointment for a free consultation. There is no obligation.

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